See Legs

I'm not sure why I have a fascination with legs and feet. Maybe it's because I attended dance school briefly when I was young. I took classes in ballet, tap, jazz, and gymnastics with each class requiring different shoes and abilities. While I stumbled my way through most of the classes, tap is really the only one that stuck. I remember my intense focus in watching my instructor's feet and my fear of missing a step if I paused to blink. I loved the feel of my tap shoes with that tap, tap, tap as I walked across the floor. I loved all the different sounds you could make by striking the floor in different patterns. And the way skilled dancers could glide across the stage tapping out a rapid-fire rhythm in a way that seemed effortless. I still have a pair of tap shoes in my closet from adult classes I took in my twenties. It may be time to brush them off again.

[Music Credit: Miamibloco - 305's community-based Samba percussion collective]

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